
Carly Behm

CST wire reporter

Carly Behm is a wire reporter covering breaking news.

The 24-year-old was sitting in a parked car when he was fatally shot in the chest, police said.
Officers found six dogs caged in a backyard and 14 in a garage at the home near Thornton Township, authorities said.
Harris went under the Snapchat username “jerry_714” and “__jcoleofficial” on Instagram, according to a statement.
Adam Hollingsworth, quien detuvo el tráfico en hora pico, dijo en una transmisión en vivo por Facebook que quiso hacer énfasis en que “las vidas de los niños importan”.
She and two adults were on the street when they were struck by gunfire, police said.
Adam Hollingsworth, who snarled traffic during rush hour, said on Facebook live that he was making the point that “kids lives matter.”
The 15-year-old boy was struck in the buttocks and hospitalized in good condition, police said.
The 39-year-old was riding an ATV when he crashed into three unoccupied vehicles, according to authorities.
“Solo estamos circulando, no siento que no estemos haciendo algo malo. Estamos literalmente circulando, pitando, gritando ‘Viva México’, y eso es todo”.