Charmaine Runes

Airline travel in to Chicago was especially fraught at Midway. In June, two of every five flights were delayed.
How common are cross-class friendships across the Chicago area? Look up your ZIP code here.
Last year on Independence Day, Chicago reached a level of air pollution four times the hourly average of a normal summer day. “By 10:30 at night, it’s just a hazy fog and smoke everywhere that you can see,” one resident said.
Available only twice a week at a cafe in Logan Square, the vibrant purple pastries are a gateway to Filipino food culture.
An analysis of readings from newly-installed air sensors across the city found portions of Little Village, Austin, Englewood, Auburn Gresham, Irving Park and Avondale have the highest levels of particulate matter pollution — a known cause of serious health problems.
Un análisis de los sensores de aire recién instalados en toda la ciudad encontró que partes de La Villita, Austin, Englewood, Auburn Gresham, Irving Park y Avondale tienen los niveles más altos de contaminación por partículas.