
Daily Herald

The Daily Herald is a news organization based in suburban Chicago.

He started as rabbi of an older West Side synagogue that merged in 1965 with a newer Reform Jewish synagogue to form Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim.
Bill Grams, 77, died of a heart attack Tuesday. He and his younger brother, Greg, founded the museum in 1960.
The northwest suburban drive-in will show ‘The Flintstones’ and ‘Jurassic Park’ on Friday and Saturday, with many new regulations in place.
Weber first rose to fame at Top 40 powerhouse WLS 890-AM, starting in 1961.
In April, Andrew “AJ” Freund’s parents reported him missing, saying they had last seen him while putting him to bed.
The longtime CEO of John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. had a passion for mechanical music machines. His Barrington Hills home grew as he built additions to showcase his collection.
Dozens upon dozens of squad cars and official vehicles lined Madison Street Saturday outside Rock of Ages Baptist Church for the funeral of slain retired Senior Master Trooper Gregory Rieves.
“The timeline just does not add up,” investigator Steve LaPino said Wednesday.
Removing the east-west runway has met strong opposition from small plane pilots who regularly use the airport.