
John Vukmirovich

Do the politicos truly understand the importance of the project to rehab the Calumet River’s four bridges?
As a former educator, I wonder about these things: If CPS is forced to close schools and lay off employees, will that cause a decline in the quality-of-life, force families and businesses to leave and the city to decline?
In teaching writing to college students, I learned this: Academically weak young students might take longer to achieve their goals, but they’ll find their way, with good character, humor and a sense of purpose.
Due to ignorance, fear, and the internet, we live in a divisive and isolated world. Cultural appropriation, seen here as a creative act, allows for such borders to be crossed.
Projects such as the Obama Center are always about some golden future time, and they’re built on promises, wishes, and hopes.
I can offer this advice that echoes a former professor: Be aware of your surroundings, be sure of yourself and be brave of heart.