
Marc H. Morial

President & CEO, National Urban League

Jackson has retired, but his longtime fight for voting rights, economic justice and racial equality have left an indelible mark on our nation, Marc Morial writes.
The recent regressive Supreme Court rulings represent an astonishing rejection of the principles of racial and economic justice that guided the court for more than 60 years.
New Orleans’ consent decree transformed its police department, former Mayor Marc Morial writes. Chicago’s progress has been slow, but Mayor Johnson has allies in the Justice Department with enforcement power.
The decision striking down Alabama’s gerrymandered congressional map was a rare win. Our future as a multiracial democracy depends on ensuring the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.
A recent summit coincided with release of the National Urban League’s new report that provides a framework for violence prevention and gun reform.
Students and teachers must have access to truthful history, diverse books and critical ideas, the goal of the Freedom to Learn Campaign National Day of Action. The so-called ‘War on Wokeness’ threatens our future as a multicultural democracy, Urban League President Marc Morial writes.
One of the best examples of small business incubation in Black neighborhoods is New Black Wall Street in Atlanta, Marc Morial writes.
Marc Morial writes about his experience tackling gun violence quickly after his inauguration. His advice: Have a vision and a plan.
The politics of division is a recipe for disaster. It is a well-trodden road that can only take us back to where we’ve been before, and that’s nowhere we want to be.