Girlfriend of man missing from Salt Shed show pleads for help from fellow concert go-ers: ‘I need to bring him home’

Noah Enos, 26, was last seen Monday about 10 p.m. at a concert in the 1300 block of North Elston Street, according to a missing persons alert.

SHARE Girlfriend of man missing from Salt Shed show pleads for help from fellow concert go-ers: ‘I need to bring him home’

Nicole Wijs has asked the public for helping finding her boyfriend Noah Enos who was reported missing Monday night.

Nicole Wijs

The girlfriend of a 26-year-old man who went missing after a show at the Salt Shed has asked any fellow concert go-ers who saw him or spoke with him to come forward with information.

Noah Enos was last seen on surveillance video about 9:30 p.m. Monday talking to people at the show then leaving the venue, heading north on Elston Avenue, according to his girlfriend Nicole Wijs. His phone died about 10 p.m.,

Wijs hopes those he spoke to might be able to shed light on what Enos was thinking or feeling before he left the show, if he seemed lost, or if he was asking for a charger or looking for his friend — there is no audio in the footage so she is counting on the help of fellow attendees.

The couple’s apartment is about a 15-minute walk away from the Salt Shed, 1357 N Elston Ave., according to Wijs. But they just moved to the city this fall and Wijs says it’s possible Enos got turned around.

When Wijs could not reach him after the show she thought maybe he went for a drink with a co-worker but when it hit 4 a.m. she knew something was wrong.

She drove over to the Salt Shed herself and began looking for any signs of Enos but found nothing.

The next morning she reached the co-worker, who told her he went to the bathroom at the venue but when he came out he could not find Enos.

“As soon as I saw he didn’t know where Noah was I completely collapsed,” Wijs said. “That was absolute confirmation that something was terribly, terribly wrong.”

Wijs and Enos’ brother have walked the perimeter of the venue, talking to business owners and residents. Some businesses have turned over security footage to police, but Wijs said she is anxiously awaiting the chance to review it herself.

“There is no other way to track him or to see him,” Wijs said.


A photo of Enos and his co-worker posted hours before he went missing.

Nicole Wijs

Wijs and Enos have been dating for about two years but have known each other since they were teens when her family was moving out of Missouri and his family had just moved there.

“We said we’re 14, we probably shouldn’t do a long-distance relationship — let’s see if we can find our way back to each other again, then we’ll make it work,” Wijs said. “I need to bring him home.”

Enos is described as 5-foot-11, about 140 pounds, with brown eyes and black hair.

Wijs has placed posters around the venue but said the next step is to move to surrounding neighborhoods. She hopes, with the help of friends, to start a Facebook page to collect information.

“I need people to know his name,” Wijs said. “I need people to know his face and I need them to come forward if they’ve seen him or talked to him all.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Area Five detectives at 312-746-6554.

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