
Ismael Pérez

Columnist, audience specialist

Ismael Pérez is a columnist and audience specialist at the Chicago Sun-Times.

A Chicago expert shares insights on how to handle a toddler’s ever-changing tastes.
Young entrepreneurs and supportive patrons can meet each other halfway on this. Here are some thoughts on how to do that.
Here are some tips for building a routine to calm anxieties about the start of a new workweek.
If the camera downstairs gives you a feeling of discomfort, go ahead and call for it to be removed.
The next time wedding drama comes up as you plan your wedding day, sit down with people you trust and see what you’re willing to compromise and what’s nonnegotiable.
To help you see into a woman’s mind, I asked three of my close friends what worked for them.
Instead of investing your time in keeping him happy and comfortable, look for ways he can gain his independence.
It can be overwhelming when you have a backlog of passion projects, but there are things you can do to prioritize which ones really are most important — and to make them happen.
Wayne Smith shares his experience as a blind person in Chicago and what we all could do to better accommodate people with special needs.