
Jesse Jackson

The French, like Americans, have rallied to a centrist candidate to reject the politics of hate and division. But that center will only succeed if fundamental reforms are passed to give working people hope.
Turnout of voters that form the core of the Democratic Party base — Blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans, single women, the young — drops sharply in non-presidential election years, like 2022. That, plus Biden’s weak approval numbers, are largely why Republicans believe they will sweep to control Congress this fall.
The higher the price the Russian military pays in Ukraine, the less likely Putin will be emboldened to repeat his aggression.
The events from last week are important because they will help to judge the nonpartisan trustworthiness and credibility of one of the most important institutions in our society.
Asian Americans are not alone when it comes to hate crimes, Hate crimes against Black Americans are also up. The Jewish community reported a record number of hate crimes. In Chicago, gay men were the most targeted.
African Americans won the right to vote because we and our allies marched for it, demonstrated for it, were beaten and died to gain it. After Selma, people of conscience demanded that the country live up to its Constitution and its democratic ideals.
If the war can be stopped, new efforts will be needed to ensure that Europe seeks security not in a new arms race, but in a new effort to build the structures of peace.
What’s needed now is for the people of Russia, Europe and the U.S. to make it clear to their leaders that there is no appetite for war or economic recession.
Brandishing guns has long been a widespread symbol for gun lobby candidates intended to demonstrate their machismo. Now symbolic gun violence is the next stage.