
Laura Washington

Potential 2023 mayoral challengers, such as former U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, are already nipping at Lightfoot’s heels.
Billionaire Ken Griffin might be willing to plunk down a sizable chunk of his fortune to back Irvin in the Republican primary. No one will go on record, but Illinois Democrats are taking Irvin seriously.
Mayor Lightfoot introduced an ordinance to the City Council that would ban Chicago restaurants from automatically offering pop or other sugared drinks to kids.
Cook County Democratic Party committeepersons met behind closed doors earlier this month to choose a slate for statewide and local races.
It’s just one modest development in a city that houses millions of people. But it’s significant.
The anti-snitching philosophy that prevails in too many communities cannot stand. Outsiders are not invading our communities. It’s us, and it’s on us to stop it, like Chinatown did.
The vast majority of those cases receive only a glimmer of the attention Jussie Smollett has received.
Chicago was devastated by the death of the city’s first Black mayor, whose reform agenda changed this deeply segregated city. His story is told in the documentary “Punch 9 for Harold Washington.”
This kindred spirit of former President Donald J. Trump will fan the flames of racism, bigotry and fear. Sadly, that’s a campaign that may appeal in some quarters of this divided and divisive city.