
Madeleine Doubek

As you contemplate casting your vote, consider asking your state lawmakers to support these four bills that would restore fairness to elections.
If we’re going to start getting a handle on reducing bureaucracy and cutting property taxes, we’ve got to give voters the power to make the decisions.
Too many government officials don’t comply with laws that compel them to tell us what they’re up to. We cannot monitor nor improve our democracy if its actors are breaking the law, keeping secrets from us and getting away with it.
Fully implemented automatic voter registration, using technology like Denver’s e-Sign, creating lower and uniform signature requirements, expediting petition challenges and creating an independent redistricting commission would dramatically boost ballot access and competitive elections.
Forty new lawmakers are about to be sworn in in Springfield. They could join forces with incumbents who chafe under the top-down system and organize.
He called for an increase of at least 15 cents in the state gas tax, which hasn’t been increased since 1990.
Chicago and the rest of the state need to do a better job of measuring recycling and setting goals to improve, a standard practice in other states.
Last week, there were 39 Senate seats up for election, but only 18 had more than one candidate running.
Your best bet remains making the time to read a variety of bar ratings and the Injustice Watch summary to help guide your judging of the judges.