Neal Earley


Neal Earley is a Chicago Sun-Times intern.

Madigan’s calls to lawmakers come as two more House Democrats say it’s time for the speaker to go after federal prosecutors laid out a bribery scheme in which ComEd is accused of sending $1.3 million to Madigan’s associates for doing little or no work.
Jim Durkin says Mike Madigan is “unable to execute his responsibilities” as House Speaker.
La alarmante advertencia del gobernador Pritzker se produjo cuando el estado anunció su sexto día consecutivo con más de 1,200 nuevos casos de COVID-19
The governor’s sobering warning came as the state announced its sixth straight day of more than 1,200 new COVID-19 cases — and a positivity rate that keeps creeping up.
And while Democrats did not remain silent about the GOP demands, they didn’t exactly embrace the call to hurry back to Springfield, either.
Básicamente reorganiza en 11 las regiones de reapertura en las que se divide el estado, en lugar de las cuatro grandes que tenía en su plan de reapertura original.
The Southwest Side Democrat weighed in on the presidential election and Biden’s potential pick for vice president. But the state House speaker would not say whether he would call for a return to session to work on ethics reforms or legislation to address racial inequities.
The Chicago Democrat cast the retooling as part of “a more granular approach in this phase of the response to COVID-19.” It essentially reshuffles the reopening regions the state is divided into to 11, rather than the four large ones under his current reopening plan.
State Representatives Kam Buckner, Curtis Tarver and Lamont Robinson Jr., made it clear they are not calling for Douglas’ body to be exhumed from the tomb, just removal of the statue, dubbing it “a tribute to a widely known racist and sexist.”