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Good news! As of March 30, 2020, reading the e-paper is easier than ever for our home delivery and digital subscribers. It can now be found at If you are a home delivery subscriber — or previously subscribed to the older version of our e-paper — and haven’t already activated your account, you can do so below. Once you do, you’ll use the same username and password for both and

Our customer service team is available to help if you have any questions or concerns. You can email us at or call (888) 848-4637.

Examples of how layouts in print editions of the Sun-Times might look on the paper’s new mobile website. | Vox Media

Here’s what you’ll love about your digital access:

• Access to the Sun-Times E-Paper Read a digital replica of today’s paper at .

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• Breaking News Alerts Don’t miss a thing. We’ll share the big stories with you as they are happening with our breaking news alerts and other newsletters .

• Chicago’s Best Sports Coverage From high school sports the pros, we bring you Chicago’s most comprehensive sports news .

Local Election Coverage Learn about the candidates before you head to the polls.

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