
Dave Newbart

Managing Editor, News

Dave Newbart is managing editor for news at the Chicago Sun-Times.

The movie soundtrack, which featured Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and Cab Calloway, sold more than a million copies.
“The Blues Brothers changed my course of life,” said Will Gatlin, known as the “Snack Man to the Stars.”
Sundays at Pilgrim Baptist Church jump and ring with praise and hallelujahs.
In the movie, Elwood and Jake spent Jake’s first night out of jail at the Plymouth at 22 W. Van Buren. Filmmakers shot inside the hotel, including its long narrow flight of stairs up, its dingy second-floor lobby and even inside Elwood’s cramped room.
Although the brothers’ mission was to save the St. Helen of the Blessed Shroud, it didn’t exist in real life.
In 2005, the Sun-Times published a five-part series looking at the worldwide impact of the iconic movie — and what happened to the Chicago people and places featured in the film.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot started to lay out approximately when some businesses can open back up with strict social distancing, limits on capacity and other precautions.
Chicago Bears wide receiver Sam Hurd wanted to distribute huge amounts of marijuana and cocaine in Chicago, a federal complaint filed Thursday claims. Hurd, a former star player for Northern Illinois University, was arrested Wednesday after allegedly telling a federal agent he wanted to buy five to 10 kilograms of cocaine and 1,000 pounds of marijuana per week for distribution in the Chicago area.
The mother of 4-year-old boy who died of blunt-force trauma was charged with concealing a homicide, and her boyfriend, who lived with the family was charged with murder.