Jason Beeferman

Los trabajadores también dijeron que reciben poca o ninguna capacitación, mientras se les acusa de operar maquinaria pesada y peligrosa.
Employees working in warehouses for Amazon and other companies say the distribution centers are often windowless and a breeding-ground for COVID-19. They called for higher wages and better working conditions.
Workers at the institute’s school and museum say management has used misinformation and intimidation to stall the drive, but museum officials denied the claims.
The new bypass is expected to limit delays and make travel times faster, the CTA said. It’s part of the $2.1 billion Red and Purple Modernization project.
New signs in the “main stem” of the city’s pedway will make navigating the maze-like system of tunnels a bit easier this winter.
At one intersection in Stone Park, over $695,000 has been collected in fines the past two years, attorneys argue.
Sunnyside took over the space at 3524 N. Clark St. formerly home to John Barleycorn.
Over 53 million Americans will travel for the Thanksgiving holiday this year, an increase of 13% from 2020, AAA predicts.
Some grads of Chicago Vocational High School say their alma mater is in a state of disrepair. As enrollment declines, they hope designating the school as an official Chicago landmark can save the building — and the community.