
Mariah Rush

Staff Reporter
A teacher says Nettelhorst School will help “coordinate” a group of schools into one entry after six schools had been denied participation when organizers scaled back the popular parade.
All schools that participated in the 2023 Pride Parade were denied entry this year, and teachers see irony in exclusion from “one of the most inclusive places that you can go.”
The governor announced the second phase of the Illinois Grocery Initiative, which includes a round of grant funding for new grocers in food deserts.
La gala “Bienvenidos A Casa”, que se celebrará el sábado, servirá para ayudar a financiar las viviendas que han servido de consuelo a los migrantes recién llegados.
An autopsy Friday determined Byron Conner, who was not a city employee, died from of electrocution from a high voltage transformer, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office, which ruled the death an accident.
The Bienvenidos A Casa gala on Saturday will support housing that has provided solace for newly arrived migrants.
El Comité de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Refugiados presentó el jueves una ordenanza que proporcionaría más información sobre quién se ve afectado por la política de desalojo.
Two weeks after the migrant eviction policy went into effect in Chicago, members of the Council’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights said not enough information on migrants exiting the shelter system has been provided.
Pero los residentes que viven cerca de la casa de campo de Gage Park dicen que trasladar a los migrantes convertirá el problema en “un problema para otro vecindario”.