Mariah Woelfel | WBEZ

Chicago slightly grew a youth jobs program this summer, including hiring 100 people to learn conflict resolution and relationship-building.
U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall seemed affected by the hundreds of letters written by Burke’s supporters. “I have never in all my career seen the letters that I have received for Mr. Burke.”
Nearly a decade has passed since an Illinois politician as significant as Burke faced sentencing at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse. The need to send a message to others is sure to be on the judge’s mind when she makes her decision.
In interviews with WBEZ, several decried the length of sentence the 80-year-old could face, while a handful of others said he deserves significant time in prison.
From 1968 to today, volunteers in Chicago aim to connect visitors to their city, and to see some of the convention action themselves.
Prosecutors want a judge to give Chicago’s longest-serving City Council member a 10-year prison sentence for corruption. But defense attorneys hope to sway the judge to spare him any prison time with stories of Ed Burke’s good deeds.
Burke, 80, Chicago’s longest-serving City Council member, is two weeks away from his June 24 sentencing hearing. Burke’s lawyers have asked the judge to give their client no prison time.
From endorsing a new Bears stadium to revoking the subminimum wage, Brandon Johnson’s critics and allies examine where he and the city are going.
The city has until the end of the year to allocate hundreds of millions of federal dollars or risk losing them.