
Carlos Ballesteros

The company says production will drop 75%, so it has placed limits on how many tortillas customers can buy at once at its stores.
There are some 2,000 vacant units across the Chicago Housing Authority’s portfolio, advocates said.
Latinos make up 60% of the population in the 10 ZIP codes in Illinois with the fastest growing number of new COVID-19 cases, according to a recent analysis.
The Heartland Alliance operates three shelters in Chicago that house 69 children who arrived to the United States as unaccompanied minors.
Hilco is sending teams door-to-door to assess damage, but the mayor wants more. “I want cars cleaned. I want streets swept. I want houses to be cleaned of the dust that’s settled. ... Hilco is gonna have to own responsibility.”
The Pulaski County Detention Center is one of three county jails in Illinois contracted by ICE to detain immigrants and the first to report positive cases of the coronavirus.
“Failing to immediately provide guidance in Spanish and other languages will jeopardize the health, safety, and economic stability of millions across this country,” members of Congress tell the White House.
As of Thursday afternoon, 134 inmates and 86 prison staff have tested for the virus. Two inmates have died from COVID-19 so far and two dozen more are hospitalized.
“A lot of them have either lost their job altogether or risk contracting COVID-19 to put food on the table,” one economist said. “They can’t have both job security and health security at the same time.”