Nina Molina

Masks are still required on trains, and $10 all-day passes will be extended through Sept. 30.
Chicago CRED’s initiative will add 100 peacekeepers to violent hotspots across the city.
“He’s worked so hard to get to this point,” said his Mather High School counselor. “The universe is just going to open up for him.”
Almost all coronavirus restrictions were lifted Friday in the city and state.
This past school year, nearly 1,000 CPS students participated in 47 tournaments hosted by Chicago Debates.
Four specially painted cars will be used on the Red Line until the Pride Parade on Oct. 3.
Yiran Fan’s parents are set to receive his degree at the University of Chicago’s Beijing center in July.
The longtime favorite will feature a shortened route from 51st Street to 55th Street after it was canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
La ceremonia en la Plaza Daley fue cancelada el año pasado por el coronavirus.