
Satchel Price

Deputy Director of Audience Engagement

Satchel Price is the Deputy Director of Audience at the Chicago Sun-Times.

After the Republican candidate for governor again ripped the city where over one-fifth of the state’s residents live, the mayor snapped back on Twitter.
No matter what numbers you look at, the White Sox starter ranks among the very best in baseball this season.
Today’s update is a 5-minute read that will brief you on the day’s biggest stories.
The Sky will enter the 2022 WNBA playoffs an even better team than last year. Here’s a look at some notable numbers from a record-breaking year.
Today’s update is a 5-minute read that will brief you on the day’s biggest stories.
Willson Contreras and Ian Happ remain, but the Cubs still added a trio of pitching prospects this week. Here’s more on them.
The holiday cuts the state’s portion of sales tax on select supplies, clothing and footwear.
Today’s update is a 5-minute read that will brief you on the day’s biggest stories.