Metra Electric facing major delays after freight train derailment

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Colin Boyle/Sun-Times file photo

Metra Electric District line trains were facing major delays Thursday night following a freight train derailment near south suburban East Hazel Crest.

Just after 6 p.m., trains on the University Branch were halted near the Calumet Station, according to Metra spokeswoman Sylvia Cooper. Trains were moving again in both directions by 8:40 p.m.

As of 10:40 p.m., northbound and southbound trains were still facing “extensive delays,” according to alerts from Metra.

The delays were caused by a Canadian National freight train that derailed, Cooper said.

Canadian National spokesman Jonathan Abecassis said the incident involved an intermodal car, and that no dangerous goods were involved. The incident remains under investigation, Abecassis said.

Trains on the South Chicago and Blue Island branches were running on time and were not affected by the derailment, Metra said.

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