‘Simon & Garfunkel’ stage musical set for its Chicago debut

SHARE ‘Simon & Garfunkel’ stage musical set for its Chicago debut

A scene from “The Simon & Garfunkel Story.” | Provided

“Mrs. Robinson.” “Cecilia.” “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” “The Sound of Silence.”

You know the hits, and now you can learn the story of the men who created the iconic songs and so many more pop hits throughout the 1960s and ’70s.

“The Simon & Garfunkel Story,” a multimedia concert-style theatrical stage presentation, will make its Chicago debut this fall at the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place, it was announced Thursday.

The show, which celebrates the life and times of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame pop duo, presents some of the biggest hits from Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel courtesy of a live band and two actors stepping into the roles of the singer-songwriters from Queens, New York, accompanied by photo projections and original film footage.

Tickets for the show, which runs Nov. 19-Dec. 1, are available now for groups of 10 or more only by phone at Broadway In Chicago Group Sales, (312) 977-1710. Individual tickets will go on sale at a later date.

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