Just Relations

Chicago’s religious and spiritual leaders weigh in on the city’s news and explore solutions to its problems.

When Chicago is described as a “war zone” or “total disaster,” we must resist the temptation to leave or compartmentalize the city and its residents.
“If there are 300 religious institutions in Chicago, one of them did this. Two hundred ninety-nine are saying, ‘We will never do this.”
It is our job to advocate for broken souls and guide our constituents, especially if our own colleagues caused the wounds.
One jury will decide on justice for Laquan McDonald’s murder. But it rests on all of us to chart a course to a different tomorrow.
Just Relations: The headlines here and overseas just made me think as I stood before the crowd at Eid al-Adha a few weeks ago.
New challenges to immigration rights are disheartening because immigrants and the undocumented are the most vulnerable members of society.
Some say we haven’t learned much since the ugly demonstrations. But Theresa Dear finds three things we have — or should have — gained since then.
JUST RELATIONS: Colin Kaepernick isn’t the first pro athlete to refuse to stand for anthem. Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf did it, and views on him have changed.
Upon learning of Augustus’ shooting, crowds took to the streets. Through texts and tweets, people began mobilizing quickly and demanded to see video.
JUST RELATIONS: The world we’ve given those born since 2000 tests them in ways it did not test us, writes Omer M. Mozaffar, Loyola’s Muslim chaplain.
JUST RELATIONS: People continue to work hard to make America “a more perfect union.” Witness the events of just the past two weekends.
JUST RELATIONS: I felt far safer in a region known for war and terror than I do in Chicago, my own city, Pastor Christopher Harris Sr. writes.
JUST RELATIONS: This Ramadan, I have had to think much about suicide, Loyola University’s Muslim chaplain Omer Mozaffar writes. Such is our world.
Meet our guest columnists who use faith to uplift neighborhoods and guide us in ways that bring us together. The “Just Relations” series run Sundays.
Just Relations: For everyone who fought for Dyett High School for the Arts, the struggle was worth it, South Side pastor writes.
Beneath the surface of “Black Panther” is a tale of Afro-futurism, responsibility to the vulnerable, questions of liberation and the role of women.
We must lock arms to lock horns against power. And the lessons we’ve learned from our faith traditions make for an ideal guide.
Some women are loathed to tell their stories of sexual harassment or assault, Theresa Dear writes, for fear they’ll hear: Why did she wait so long?
At Fourth Presbyterian Church, “Tabitha” treats guests with kindness, dignity, compassion — and reminds all of us to do the same, pastor writes.
Rabbi: How leaders of a public school in the heart of the Cabrini-Green area and a synagogue on the Gold Coast came together for integrated education.