
Lauren FitzPatrick

Watchdogs Reporter

Lauren FitzPatrick is an investigative reporter at the Chicago Sun-Times.

$24 million and counting. That’s how much money Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the eight men and women challenging her have raised. Where is it coming from?
Government oversight of lenders was lax, mayoral hopeful says, but many small businesses denied by traditional banks got the help they needed.
One Paycheck Protection Program loan recipient who used a Salvation Army address said he was a farmer. A dozen others said they operated barber shops or beauty salons. Most got loans of about $20,000, the maximum based on a yearly income of at least $100,000.
The comments were made during an unmuted conversation while the lawyer waited for her client and were heard by the judge and other participants on the Zoom court call, according to a court filing.
Christopher Weber’s parents initially thought their son’s deadly plunge off a highway bridge was a freak accident. Now, they say more should be done to prevent “snow-ramp” crashes.
The move comes as an outside review by a former judge, Patricia Brown Holmes, wrapped up, and the agency hires its third leader since June 2021.
The long-tenured Chicago City Council member says when asked what happened to that money: “I don’t feel comfortable talking about that with you. It’s not my city business.”
Rochford thanked her supporters about 10:30 p.m. after her Republican opponent, Mark Curran, called to concede in the newly drawn suburban 2nd District.
Carmen A. Rossi’s Chicago Parking Solutions got a two-year contract to park cars at more than a dozen schools even though the school system said another company put in a better bid.