Letters to the Editor

Not a dollar of taxpayer money went to the renovation of Wrigley Field and its current reinvigorated neighborhood, one reader points out.
A 2023 Supreme Court decision rolled back the federal Clean Water Act and overturned decades of protection for wetlands. New legislation would protect Illinois wetlands for the benefit of wildlife and communities that depend on them.
There’s clearly more to do to improve reading among lower-income students of color. But over the last two decades, no other large city in the nation has made as much progress, as quickly, as Chicago.
El Presidente Joe Biden debe salvaguardar el futuro de quienes ya han dado tanto a nuestro estado y garantizar su capacidad para vivir y trabajar sin miedo.
President Joe Biden must safeguard the futures of those who have already given so much to our state and ensure their ability to live and work without fear.
A CPS civics teacher wonders how a school’s need will be determined, revised or appealed. And how much budget transparency is in place to communicate cuts?
Twenty years after the city and CHA demolished high-rise public housing developments, there are still 130 acres of vacant land and buildings at several CHA redevelopment sites.
The South Side deserves and can have both a beautiful lakefront park and new investments in jobs.
Americans cast off a winning method to improve literacy. Replacing it with what?