Jessica Ma

General assignment reporter
Taeyoung Kim, 21, of Northbrook, was going more than 120 miles an hour when his Mustang slammed into another vehicle in Glenview, killing 17-year-old Marko Niketic, authorities said.
Neighbors awoke to FBI agents shouting commands on a bullhorn, then using grenades in a quiet residential area. The local alderperson says the Chicago police district was not informed prior to the action.
Mr. Pollock taught political rhetoric and communication for more than two decades and was a friend and mentor to a flock of former students as well as an expert on the German-Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt.
Zet Rodríguez-Lara, quien tenía una hija de 6 meses, es recordado como un “gran padre, amigo y hermano” por su familia en su página de GoFundMe. Hasta el martes se habían recaudado más de $28,000.
Zet Rodriguez-Lara, who had a 6-month-old daughter, remembered as a ‘great father, friend and brother,’ by family on his GoFundMe page. More than $28,000 has been raised by Tuesday.
Once the richest person in Illinois, Ken Griffin pulled out in 2022, months after complaining about the city’s crime, saying “there is nowhere, where you can feel safe.”
Aaron Novinger’s destination is the steps of the U.S. Capitol. He has seen firsthand how Ponzi schemes devastate victims and wants to call for legislative change.
Eamonn Walker, an original cast member of the hit series, portrays Chief Wallace Boden. He’s expected to return in a recurring role.
The shells are turned into GastroPops, a treat used to lure predators so researchers can study their behavior. The students will travel to Miami later this month to test the treats in the field.