School security guard pulled gun on student in Dolton, cops say

SHARE School security guard pulled gun on student in Dolton, cops say

A security guard allegedly pointed a gun at a student outside the Academy for Learning High School, 306 E. 144th St. in Dolton. | Google Streetview

A school security guard is wanted for questioning after he allegedly pulled a gun on a student after breaking up a fight at the Academy for Learning in south suburban Dolton.

Charges have not been filed, but police said the guard threatened to kill the student while holding them by the neck, according to a Dolton police report. The guard then confronted the student outside with a firearm before leaving.

The security guard in question attempted to break up a fight between three students about 8:50 a.m. on Nov. 28, police said. The guard grabbed one of the students by the coat and slammed him into a wall.

The guard pulled the student to the ground, straddled him and held the student’s neck with two hand and allegedly yelled “I will kill you n—–,” the report states. The guard continued to hold the student until two other school guards showed up and separated them.

The guard went to his car in the school’s parking lot after he was asked to leave for the day, police said. Shortly after, two of the students involved in the fight left the main entrance and were confronted by the guard again.

The guard came within feet of the students and yelled “What was all that s— you were talking about?” and pulled a black firearm from his waistband, according to police, who said the scene was witnessed by another school guard.

The guard put the muzzle of the gun on the student’s chest and continued to taunt him, police said. The guard then left in his personal vehicle and was not in custody Wednesday afternoon.

The guard had been warned before by his colleague not to bring his personal firearm to school, the report states. The guard was employed by Prudential Security, who were cooperating with the police investigation but could not be reached for comment.

Police said the investigation was ongoing.

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