Call in the National Guard


Humvees and other military vehicles with the National Guard during the Chicago Memorial Day Parade earlier this year. | Max Herman/For the Sun-Times

Marches aren’t working. Pleading is not working. The police are maxed out with extra hours, and now the city wants more from them. The only thing that will work is to bring in the National Guard, which would set curfews and let all know that they mean business. Just like in the 1960’s. They could clean up the city once and for all.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Supt. Eddie Johnson need to set the pride and ego aside and welcome the Guard. Chicago is in crisis.

Barb Czarnecki, Portage Park

The National Guard? To do what, exactly? And for how long?

Mary Jane Tala, via Facebook

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So people can then blame the National Guard. No way. It’s the family structure thing. That’s the problem. You know. Mom. Dad. Baby. Marriage.

Rob Ruther, via Facebook

Rosemary Lopez Sapoznik People need to turn in the shooters and gangbangers. Like Supt. Johnson said, their family and friends know who they are. Stand up and help get these people off the street.

Rosemary Lopez Sapoznik, via Facebook

“High price for police mistrust” That editorial is absolute nuts. At some point, as a human being, you have to take a stand. You have to realize that all this is wrong and act. Be responsible adults, speak up, stop blaming others.

Nicky Cerone, via Facebook

Company right to go meatless

Thank you for publishing Joan McGregor op-ed about the moral and environmental benefits of abstaining from eating meat. Inhumanely raising and killing animals for their flesh causes ecological problems such as global warming, pollution, land shortages and deforestation. Veganism and vegetarianism are not dietarily imperative, but people who wholeheartedly love animals and believe in protecting the earth can advance these important causes.

Brien Comerford, Glenview

Stan Mikita was among the greatest

Words cannot express how much Stan Mikita will be missed by generations of Chicago Blackhawk fans. He gave so much to the game of hockey.

Denis Herdzina Karp, via Facebook

So sad. My first and only hockey player autograph was Stan’s. It was a different generation. They played for the love of the game, and not for the ridiculous money of today.

Jim Powell, via Facebook

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