
Andy Grimm

Staff Reporter

Andy Grimm is a staff reporter covering courts.

Lawsuit challenges state law passed after 2022 Highland Park Fourth of July shooting that left 7 dead and nearly 50 wounded.
As Romeo Nance was cuffed around the wrists and ankles, a woman, apparently his mother, screamed at officers to stop. A year later, she would be one of Nance’s victims in last month’s mass shooting, according to police.
Últimamente, muchos migrantes que llegan a Chicago dependen de la clínica de Alivio en Pilsen.
A 50% decline in murders from last year would put the city at fewer than 400 — a total the city last saw in 1965, when there were 395 slayings, according to the Chicago Police Department.
El lunes, los agentes encontraron “varias personas fallecidas” con heridas de bala en dos casas en la cuadra 2200 al oeste de Acres Road.
Romeo Nance, 23, reportedly shot himself as he was pursued by federal authorities outside San Antonio. Police believe he was related to seven of the victims in separate shootings Sunday and Monday.
La jueza acordó posponer el juicio hasta que los abogados de Clarissa Figueroa reciban unos archivos, un proceso que podría llevar semanas.
Lawyers for Clarisa Figueroa want psychiatric records for the state’s key witness, Figueroa’s daughter Desiree.
En un acuerdo que la enviará a prisión por 30 años, Desiree Figueroa se declaró culpable el lunes del asesinato de la joven embarazada en 2019.