Coronavirus Vaccine News

The latest on the development and distribution of coronavirus vaccines, including when and how to get yours.

El índice de positividad a la prueba del COVID-19 en Chicago durante la semana que finalizó el 19 de julio fue del 9.8%, por encima del 7.6% de la semana pasada. Las hospitalizaciones también han aumentado, pero no al mismo ritmo, según las autoridades.
The COVID-19 test positivity rate in Chicago for the week ending July 19 was 9.8%, up from 7.6% the previous week. Hospitalizations also have increased, but not quite at the same rate, officials say.
Also facing several criminal charges is Sameer Suhail, owner of a medical supply company, who’s accused of participating in the fraud along with ex-CFO Anosh Ahmed and Loretto’s then-chief transformation officer, Heather Bergdahl.
El Programa Puente de Acceso iba a ser temporal y su final estaba planeado inicialmente para diciembre. Ahora se espera que finalice en agosto.
The Bridge Access Program was supposed to be temporary and originally scheduled to end in December. Now it’s set to end in August.
Some large hospital systems in Chicago don’t have vaccines available yet, despite the doses being approved weeks ago.
Doses of the vaccine are expected to be widely available within five to 12 days at clinics and pharmacies throughout Chicago.
Chicago public health officials have said the CDC approval was all they needed to “begin the rollout” of the vaccine, which will be free for all city residents. “We already have the vaccine in Chicago,” Dr. Geraldine Luna, medical director for the Chicago Department of Public Health, said Monday.
The new vaccine was specifically created to cover all current strains of COVID-19.
Las vacunas actualizadas tienen como objetivo una variante descendiente de omicron llamada XBB.1.5.
Chicago’s late-summer increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations — no matter how slight — serves as a reminder that the virus still packs a devastating punch for vulnerable communities, physicians say.
The site offers snapshots of COVID-19 transmission in communities around 75 wastewater treatment facilities in Illinois.
The mayor, who said she was asymptomatic, also came down with the virus in January.
“The bottom line is we have protection available. It’s just upon all of us now to make sure people use those tools,” the surgeon general said.
Within months, the government plans to stop footing the bill — and millions of the uninsured and seniors might have to pay full price. Experts say that means fewer people will get the potentially life-saving treatments.
Hospital admissions for COVID-19 have jumped more than 26% in the last week alone, putting them on pace to hit numbers not seen since mid-February.
If you haven’t had your COVID-19 fall 2022 booster, now is the time, Chicago Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady said.
Though not much is known about the newest coronavirus strains, experts say the bivalent booster should offer some protection. Here’s what you should know.
Only 13% of eligible Chicagoans have gotten the latest COVID-19 booster, which is recommended for everyone 5 and older.