Evening City Scenes


It was a beautiful evening at Lincoln Square today. But tomorrow there may be a little snow to deal with. Maureen Callahan gets a kiss from her 15-month-old son Rory after doing a little last minute shopping at Lincoln Square and enjoying the nice weather Tuesday evening by the Christmas tree and Menorah. Maureen said, “It’s a beautiful day.” | Michael Schmidt/Sun-Times

James Robert Licka and Katie Marie McDonald head down North Lincoln Avenue in Lincoln Square Tuesday evening heading to Marbles the Brain Store to do christmas shopping. They said that they like to take sunset walks and when told it may snow tomorrow Licka said, “It’s Chicago baby.” | Michael Schmidt/Sun-Times

Tim Clue (right) takes a photo of his daughter Bailey, 4, (center) and her friend Melanie Chavez, 5, Tuesday evening at Lincoln Square Tuesday evening. | Michael Schmidt/Sun-Times

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A new report from the Alliance for Entrepreneurial Equity finds that Black business owners still face barriers that keep them from thriving, such as lack of access to capital.
President Joe Biden hits Chicago Wednesday for a fundraiser after a stop in Racine, where his visit will spotlight one of President Donald Trump’s economic flops, the failed Foxconn plant, which never employed the promised 13,000 workers.