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While nursing homes and assisted living communities were on lockdown during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, entertainer Colette Hawley found a unique way to keep residents entertained.
The organization also provides job training and placement, education assistance, behavioral health services, housing and advocacy support.
These important funds make it possible for athletes to compete in year-round sports and training, health and wellness and leadership programs, including online programming.
As an organization Royal Bank seeks to be an active part of its community.
For the past 20 years participants have plunged into frigid waters across Illinois raising nearly $2,000,000 annually to support 23,000 Special Olympics Illinois athletes.
From dumpster fire collectibles to QR payment codes, Rotofugi explores how to best serve customers in 2020
No matter how many sales retailers label throughout the year as “Black Friday” discounts, there’s still something special about the day itself.
Here’s how to prioritize causes you care about and be strategic about giving, regardless of your income.
Deciding how much to give to charity depends a lot on your financial circumstances.
If you have a stash of airline miles, hotel points or credit card points, you can choose to give them away to a variety of organizations.
A helping hand to a person thrown out of a job, support for a patient struggling with COVID-19 and solidarity with the medical professional toiling day and night to save them.
The Giving USA report estimates nearly $450 billion was donated to charities in 2019, a 2.4% uptick from the previous year when adjusted for inflation.
This year virtual fundraisers are being held by some of the city’s major organizations like PAWS Chicago.
Donations came from all corners of the U.S. and the globe, including from prominent celebrities and huge companies, as well as individual donors.
National retailers are offering promotions this holiday season, but small stores may benefit because of their size and ability to personalize the shopping experience.
Even though Black Friday still exists in 2020, it won’t be the same experience as before.
This year, the pandemic has put a twist on consumer electronic sales.
There’s no better way to propose a toast than with custom drinkware from Dugout Mugs.
There are some gift ideas with a COVID-19 element from blue light blocking glasses to coffee makers to heaters.
Tough questions from Chicagoans, answered by the Chicago Police Department. Stay educated, stay informed and know your rights.
Leadership from Special Olympics athletes like David, as well as the ongoing support from various communities, dedicated families and volunteers alike, will be highlighted at this year’s gala.
The Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council is responsible for certifying, advocating, developing and connecting minority businesses with major buying organizations.