WATCH: Michelle Obama talks to a penguin

SHARE WATCH: Michelle Obama talks to a penguin

It’s not as catchy as her “Turnip for what” Vine, but Michelle Obama is at it again, this time talking to an animated penguin.

The video, which features a computer-animated penguin from “Penguisn of Madagascar,” was released by Got Your 6, a nonpartisan military veteran empowerment campaign.

In it, she talks about the importance of “troops, veterans, and their families.”

“Excuse me, Mrs. Obama,” the penguin interrupts. “We’re a little tired of the SEALs getting all the good missions — what about us penguins?”

Michelle Obama tells him “As a matter of fact, I have a top secret mission that’s perfect for the penguins.”

She then hands him a folder, and viewers are urged to learn more about the organization by going to its website.

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