Wicker Park becomes ‘Chiraq’ for a day

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The film crews, the street closings, the occasional glimpse of Hollywood at work — it’s all becoming old hat for some Chicago residents.

So it was when Spike Lee’s latest movie, controversial working title “Chiraq,” arrived in at the Double Door tavern, 1572 N. Milwaukee Ave., on Tuesday.

It was more of the usual parking hassles and added traffic for Brandon and Nicole Williams of Wicker Park.

“The congestion already has kind of been a mess, even trying to walk through, so that’s kind of annoying,” said Nicole Williams, as she and her husband went for a stroll with their one-month-old son, Beckham.

“It kind of comes with the territory, with the filmmaking,” said Brandon Williams. “We have it here all the time now, so we’re just kind of used to it.”

Someone’s filming something “at least once every three months, give or take, especially with Chicago Fire being in the neighborhood,” he added.

“it’s bringing exposure to Chicago, and it’s reality. We are living in a world right now where killings happen, you know, every single day.”

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