CPD to outline new public safety reform training regimen

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Sun-Times file photo

The Chicago Police Department is expected to announce the next steps in its public safety reform on Thursday morning.

First Deputy Supt. Kevin Navarro will outline the new training regimen during a press briefing at 10 a.m. at CPD Headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan Ave., according to CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

CPD will also launch a new in-service training program requiring all department members to take 40 hours of continuing education every year by 2021, Guglielmi said.

Topics covered in the classes will include force mitigation, mental health awareness, human rights, community policing and more, Guglielmi said.

The department is expected to complete the first part of its use-of-force training by mid-October, laying the groundwork for the new policy to go into effect, Guglielmi said.

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