Dads Know Best: Balancing career and home life

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Police officer Cory Byrdlong with three of his four children. | Supplied Photo

Parents who juggle their careers and family lives often wear many hats in order to achieve work-life balance.

The Chicago Sun-Times recently spoke with five fathers from all across the country about how they achieve the ever elusive work-like balance.

After all, most parents in the workforce shape their beliefs by what they saw their parents go through.

According to a 2017 study by Human Relations called “When the past comes back to haunt you: The enduring influence of upbringing on the work–family decisions of professional parents,” how someone was raised can have an adverse effect on how they look at their careers and families.

Cory Byrdlong, 38, police officer, four children:

“It’s not easy balancing both career and children, but the most important of the two are my children. I love my career but my children are my life and who and what I live for. The best part of getting off work is coming home to see their faces. Specific advice is always put God first … without the creator there is no balance … after him family is always first … the more you put family first the stronger the bond is with your child/children … the definition of a man is love and responsibility.

Nathan R. Kituuma, 30, engineer, three children:

Guard your time with family and put it in the calendar and keep open communication lines between you, your boss/team and your significant other (if you live together). That’ll ensure you’re spending time with your family but also have time to get away and do some personal work.

Andre Vasquez Jr., 39, Marketing Área Manager in charge of Illinois for AT&T Connected Communities, two children:

“I would recommend that everyone really invest in learning how to better manage time/scheduling. I would also encourage managers to develop and trust their teams. Everyone wants to be successful, but great leaders understand that no one person does it alone.”

Andre Vasquez Jr., with his wife and two children. | Supplied Photo

Andre Vasquez Jr., with his wife and two children. | Supplied Photo

Jason Madhosingh, 41, founder/Fractional CMO for social impact orgs, two daughters:

“I left corporate jobs to find a way to do more good. Remember that you are in control. You can make changes that benefit you, you don’t need to accept less. Be bold, and don’t fear change that provides you with the balance that **you** seek. Your partner is the only other person that matters in this equation. Life is short. After you have kids, every moment away from them has a different opportunity cost, so find work that satisfies you and you will be happier (increasing net happiness for the family). Your family will also see they joy you find in your work and support it.

Jason Madhosingh with his two daughters. | Supplied Photo

Jason Madhosingh with his two daughters. | Supplied Photo

Anthony Brown, 38, financial advisor, three children:“When it’s time to work, stay focused and minimize distractions. Control your business, don’t let it control you. For example, I used to almost work every waking hour. Now I have an evening cut-off time for appointments, phone calls and emails. And weekends are almost nonexistent for work.”

Financial advisor Anthony Brown on jugging family and his career: Now I have an evening cut off time for appointments, phone calls, and emails. And weekends are almost nonexistent for work. | Supplied Photo

Financial advisor Anthony Brown on jugging family and his career: Now I have an evening cut off time for appointments, phone calls, and emails. And weekends are almost nonexistent for work. | Supplied Photo

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