Obama guidance, press schedule Jan. 4, 2016. AG Lynch meeting on gun executive orders

SHARE Obama guidance, press schedule Jan. 4, 2016. AG Lynch meeting on gun executive orders

Below, from the White House….


Office of the Press Secretary


January 3, 2016



In the morning, the President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press.

In the afternoon, the President will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey and ATF Deputy Director Thomas to discuss what executive actions he can take to curb gun violence. There will be a pool spray at the top of this meeting in the Oval Office.

In-Town Travel Pool

Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg

Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP

TV Corr & Crew: NBC

Print: Regional Reporters

Radio: SRN


9:30AM In-Town Pool Call Time

10:00AM THE PRESIDENT receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

Oval Office

Closed Press

2:10PM THE PRESIDENT meets with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey and ATF Deputy Director Thomas

Oval Office

Pool Spray at the Top (Gather 1:50PM – Brady Press Briefing Room)

Briefing Schedule

12:30PM Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

Schedule for the Week of January 4, 2016

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the President will attend meetings at the White House.

On Thursday, the President will participate in a live Town Hall event with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on reducing gun violence in America at 8PM EST. The event will be held at George Mason University.

On Friday, the President will attend meetings at the White House.


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