White Sox make joke on video board about weather ahead of Monday’s game

SHARE White Sox make joke on video board about weather ahead of Monday’s game

Video board operators made a joke while the field still had snow on it at Guaranteed Rate Field. | Brian Sandalow/For the Sun-Times

Sometimes you have to make the best with whatever situation you’ve been put in.

Roughly four hours before the White Sox’ game against the Rays at Guaranteed Rate Field Monday afternoon, a little more than two inches of snow blanketed the field.

While the field crew worked tireless to get the field conditions game ready, the video board operators decided to have a little fun with the situation.

“Happy Holidays” with decorative lights strung around it shined on one of the video boards. After being present for several minutes, it was replaced by the White Sox and Rays logos.

The Cubs were in a similar position as the White Sox were Monday morning. Snow covered Wrigley Field before the Cubs’ home opener.

Several Cubs players — including Willson Contreras who said this was only the second time he’s seen snow since 2013 — went onto the field to take pictures and throw snow balls, while workers did their best to clean the field.

Unfortunately, the North Side was hit harder than the South Side due to the Lake Effect. The Cubs ultimately decided to postpone their game until Tuesday at 1:20 p.m.

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