Ask the Doctors

Fatty liver disease is just as it sounds — an abnormal buildup of fat in the liver. This excess fat triggers an inflammatory response that, over time, leads to liver damage.
Lifestyle changes — reaching a healthy weight and adopting a healthful and balanced diet — are important moves toward reducing your risk of developing the disease.
With most babies, neonatal jaundice will go away on its own. It’s just a matter of waiting for the infant’s liver to catch up to the amount of bilirubin that needs to be removed.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when the optimal balance of bacteria in the small intestine is disturbed.
There is no cure for this infection. The focus is on rest, managing discomfort, staying hydrated and meticulous hygiene to stop the spread.
Advantages over a total hip replacement include more rapid recovery, improved mobility and decreased risk of hip dislocation.
Participants who engaged in resistance training saw an increase of 40 minutes of sleep a night, the best results in the study.
You might face peer pressure over continuing to wear a mask, but, from a health and safety standpoint, it still can be a wise choice.
PANDAS is marked by the sudden onset of OCD-like behaviors in children infected with Group A streptococcus, or strep.
The 200-milligram daily limit comes after years of debate about the safety of consuming caffeine during pregnancy.
Nosebleeds can be alarming for the child who is having one and the parent who is helping to deal with it.
Studies have shown exposure to even small amounts of artificial light can delay the body’s important sleep preparation.
Research into a link between a diet rich in fatty fish and improved cognitive function dates back decades.
At the end of a five-year study, the data showed that when someone worked 49 or more hours per week, their risk of developing sustained hypertension increased by 66%.
Plantar fasciitis can be caused by something as simple as a change in the type of shoes you’re wearing or an increase in the types of activities that result in repeated jolts or constant pressure on the foot.
Cooked black beans — never eat raw beans, as many varieties can be toxic — are low in fat, high in fiber, and they can be a healthful component of a varied diet.
The changes that occur in the larynx, where the voice originates, are known as presbylaryngis, also called vocal fold atrophy.
A urinary tract infection that goes untreated can lead to serious problems, such as kidney damage or even sepsis. These so-called “silent” UTIs can present a grave threat to the health of older adults.
OCD is marked by a stressful cycle of unwanted and disruptive thoughts, images or sensations and repetitive behaviors that become a compulsion.
There’s a robust body of research into the therapeutic uses of music for people with Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s not unusual. Women who breastfeed burn an added 500 to 700 calories a day, which can lead to weight loss. Adjust your diet to make up for calories used to produce milk.
It’s estimated that up to two-thirds of women experience some degree of menopause-related cognitive impairment or brain fog. Here’s what you can do.
People often don’t know they have this condition until a routine blood test reveals it. It can put you at risk for Type 2 diabetes.
These phytonutrients that give fruits and vegetables their bright colors are associated with a host of health benefits.
These tiny arachnids carry a range of diseases that can be transferred when they bite people.
The condition occurs when someone lacks enough tears to lubricate and nourish the exposed surfaces of the eye.
When calcium levels in the blood drop too low, it prompts the parathyroid glands to produce a hormone that causes stored calcium in the bones to be released into the blood.
Treatment of both conditions can include resting the jaw with a soft food diet, medications for pain, muscle-relaxers, exercises and devices to prevent nighttime clenching.
Arthritis can affect anyone. It’s estimated that up to one-fourth of Americans have some type of arthritis. It’s one of the leading causes of disability in the United States.
Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, is a term for a group of disorders that arise from chronic inflammation of the digestive tract.