Ask the Doctors

There’s a lot of research about the health benefits of a plant-forward diet. Fiber is particularly important. It helps reduce inflammation and nourishes the microbes in our gut.
Study participants were asked to work as hard as was comfortable for each one-minute burst of body weight exercise. Six weeks later, they were in measurably better shape.
Sometimes referred to as sun spots or liver spots, these become more common as we get older. Tey can appear on any part of the skin that’s had chronic overexposure to sunlight.
Once seen mostly among middle-aged adults, it’s increasingly seen in young adults, adolescents and even children.
Keep in mind that not all naps are equally beneficial. When you nap and how long it lasts makes a difference.
It’s a condition in which the nervous system malfunctions because of disease or some kind of damage.
Sometimes referred to as the winter blues, SAD is a mental health condition that has been linked to the shorter days and longer nights of fall and winter.
Recent studies have found that prolonged exposure to blue light, particularly in the hours before bed, confuses the brain.
Say, rather than totally eliminating meat at first, you could start by adding more foods to your diet like nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, tofu, tempeh and seitan.
Prolonged sitting is really bad for your health. Long stretches of sitting required by many jobs are putting people at risk for a number of health problems.
Not only have the added parenting demand brought on more anxiety and exhaustion, particularly among moms and women of color, the stresses are affecting health.
The changes that can result from cancer treatment can be unexpected and scary. These programs help people cope, help them feel safer, stronger, more like their old selves.
Most people get a standard flu shot. Adults 65 and older are urged to get a higher-dose vaccine. For people with an egg allergy, there’s an egg-free version.
The only path to herd immunity is for a significant portion of the populace to become infected. Based on the current U.S. population, we’re talking about almost 200 million adults and children becoming infected with the novel coronavirus in order to achieve herd immunity.
Among the benefits at every age, it can improve cardiovascular health, lessen the risk of chronic diseases and help with balance, strength, flexibility and stamina.
The first HPV vaccine won approval from the Food and Drug Administration in 2006. Today, an updated vaccine protects against nine strains of HPV.
People who regularly get under 7 hours of sleep q night are at higher risk of health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and depression.
The Itasca-based American Academy of Pediatrics recommends kids see a pediatric dentist within six months after their first tooth appears or by 1 year old.
Not only do they shift you forward and force your full weight onto the balls of your feet, they keep you from properly using the muscles of your feet and legs as you walk.
While some adults may find that they grow to tolerate foods to which they had been allergic, that turns out to be a lot less likely than in children.
Until there is more research, doctors say that women who are pregnant, as well as those who plan to be, should not use cannabis.
The World Health Organization has recently added “gaming disorder” as a new mental health condition.
It’s estimated that at least one-third and perhaps up to one-half of all Americans experience some kind of sleep problem.
Unlike hunger, which triggers physical signals that are pretty robust, the signs of thirst can be more subtle and easier to ignore.
In sorting data for the effects of eggs, researchers discovered that people who ate an egg each day had a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease.
If you have risk factors for heart disease, you may benefit with B vitamins, or if you have macular degeneration, you may benefit from antioxidant.
The CDC reports that nine new germs that are spread by ticks and mosquitoes have been identified since 2004.
Niacin is a B vitamin needed to create compounds crucial to cellular function.
<strong>Dear Doctor:</strong> <em>I know I need to eat more vegetables, but because I have dentures, I can’t chew them well enough to swallow easily.