Age Well

The fatal shooting of an Uber driver, allegedly by an 81-year-old man, should set off alarms.
City’s Black entrepreneurs recall Dale’s generosity and support.
Readers get a new perspective on aging and financial planning in February/March edition.
When it comes to how skin ages, genetics plays a big role. Environmental and lifestyle factors are also important.
Car insurance premiums should be based on one’s driving record, not socioeconomic factors.
Longevity is a blessing, not a disability.
Seniors’ decisions to not move have affected the housing market, according to one research report.
Even though prostate cancer is more prevalent, men still don’t want to talk about it.
SuperAgers and their adult children sought to participate in a study that aims to uncover why some people live so much longer than others.
No need to panic, even though Medicare’s annual open enrollment period is about to end.
These highly profitable facilities often charge $5,000 a month or more and then layer on fees at every step.
Seniors face challenges in getting around and, ah, getting it on, Randi Forrest says, and need an outlet to share concerns — including how to get by in a world geared to younger people.
The syndicated financial columnist wants to get Social Security to end its practice of halting benefits in overpayment disputes. And that’s just a start.
A stroll through a south suburban strip mall might help me finally let go of those fancy dresses I no longer need.
It runs through Dec. 7, with potentially dozens of options to choose from, including traditional Medicare and privately run Medicare Advantage plans.
A 92-year-old widow wrote about an issue people of any age can relate to — a desire for a companion, along with the insecurities that come with putting yourself out there.
After a lifetime of service, seniors dealing with the onslaught of telephone scammers.
Thursday’s announcement follows this year’s 8.7% benefit increase, brought on by record 40-year-high inflation. With inflation easing, the next yearly increase is markedly smaller.