
Nader Issa

Education Reporter
Mayor Brandon Johnson and CPS officials staved off bills that would limit their control but fell short of securing much-needed funding.
Even with shifting priorities, the school district says it has successfully maintained the funding it provides to schools overall.
Mayor Brandon Johnson sent a letter to Illinois Senate President Don Harmon on Thursday asking him to hold House Bill 303, which had already passed the Illinois House and needed a final vote in the Senate.
Illinois mistakenly overspent its latest round of funding and will run out of money for hundreds of programs that serve about 15,000 kids in Chicago. The programs’ advocates encourage state lawmakers to intervene.
The social justice protests in the summer of 2020, after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd, have sparked thorny debates ever since. A Springfield bill on the issue is the latest backlash to Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Board of Education.
In the wake of the expert’s deposition in a case the district later settled for $800,000, state Rep. Curtis Tarver, D-Chicago, introduced a bill in Springfield this week to protect child sex abuse victims in court.
Miembros de CTU viajaron en autobuses a la capital del estado y se dividieron en grupos para reunirse con legisladores y pedir fondos adicionales mientras CPS enfrenta un déficit presupuestario de casi $400 millones para el próximo año escolar y algunas escuelas reportan recortes.
CTU members took buses to the state capital and split into groups to meet with legislators and make their case for additional funding as CPS faces a nearly $400 million budget deficit for next school year and some schools are reporting cuts.
Las protestas contra la guerra han invadido los campus universitarios en las últimas semanas. Los estudiantes apoyan a los palestinos en los ataques de Israel contra Gaza, denuncian lo que llaman censura por parte de sus universidades y piden a las instituciones que dejen de invertir en fabricantes de armas y empresas que apoyan a Israel.