Sweet Dem Gay forum special. Candidates catch flak from conservative group. Report 3

HOLLYWOOD—-The gay Democratic presidential forum just started. Its in a production studio near the intersection of Sunset and Vine. If you wondered as I did if the first-ever discussion of issues of interest to the gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual community would elicit a response from the conservative and/or traditional values crowd, guess no more.

Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council (allied mostly with GOP candidates) chided the Democratic field for agreeing to speak to the homosexual lobby and challenged them to attend an event to defend their values to social conservatives within their own ranks.

Although the Democratic candidates are willing to articulating their stands on homosexual issues such as gay marriage, hate crimes, and the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, they haven’t expressed the same willingness to address the concerns of social conservatives within their own party, Perkins wrote.

For the Perkins letter titled Homosexual activist groups to host presidential debate, click below

Homosexual Activist Groups to Host Presidential Debate

August 9, 2007 | Refer a Friend

“The Presidential Race Gets Gay!” notes the Logo channel, a 24 hour news service geared toward the “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trangendered” community. Tomorrow night (Thursday August 9, 2007) seven of the leading Democratic presidential candidates, including Senators Clinton, Edwards, and Obama, will attend the first ever debate specifically for homosexual issues. The debate is hosted by the far left wing gay activist group, Human Rights Campaign and will be broadcast from Los Angeles on the Logo channel.

The debate will be solely focused on advancing the homosexual agenda. As John D’Emilio, a “historian of gay history” at the University of Illinois at Chicago, recently told Newsweek, “[Democratic politicians] love to talk about gay issues and to welcome gay constituents into the fold, but they just haven’t provided very much concretely. Maybe that’s because since the ’80s there have been only very short periods when there’s been both a Democratic president and Democratic control of both houses [of Congress].”

Although the Democratic candidates are willing to articulating their stands on homosexual issues such as gay marriage, hate crimes, and the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, they haven’t expressed the same willingness to address the concerns of social conservatives within their own party.

The seven candidates that have agreed to speak to the homosexual lobby have so far not agreed to attend our Washington Briefing. If the Democratic contenders believe so strongly in their positions regarding same-sex marriage then why not attend our event and defend those beliefs? Or is it that Democrats have completely written off those who hold traditional values?

Petition for Democratic Presidential Candidates


Tony Perkins


P.S. Please forward this petition to others who are willing to remind the Democratic presidential candidates that if they are seeking an increase in “equality” then they should give our event equal treatment and attend.

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