Illinois GOP candidate Mike Bost once shot and killed a beagle

SHARE Illinois GOP candidate Mike Bost once shot and killed a beagle

Republican Illinois state Rep. Mike Bost, who is running for Congress against Democrat Rep. Bill Enyart, may be best known for his epic meltdown on the floor of the state House in 2012, but a published report shows he has a “lengthy history with local authorities.”

The Huffington Post has reviewed a number of police and court records, and Bost has had numerous run-ins with police, most of which have stemmed from animal issues.

The first incident uncovered by the Huffington Post came in 1986, when Bost shot and killed Rusty, a beagle that bit his 4-year-old daughter and required 19 stitches, according to a report from animal control. The report indicated the girl provoked the attack by chasing the dog.

According to court records, Bost was displeased that authorities would not be able to deal with the 10-year-old dog immediately. So he got his handgun, drove to Rusty’s owner’s home, and shot the dog to death while it was penned in an enclosure.

In that incident, Bost was charged with criminal damage to property and reckless misconduct. At a jury trial, Bost was found not guilty.

Bost’s own dog has frequently roamed his neighborhood unattended, and neighbors have called police at least four different times.

There also was the time he failed to report a stolen gun.

Bost, a gun-rights defender who in 2008 voted against a bill to require the prompt reporting of stolen guns, did not report a gun that was stolen from his own home. In 2006, Bost’s nickel-plated special edition .357 Rossi revolver was stolen from his gun safe. According to police records, Bost did not know about the theft until police showed up at his door to inform him that the gun had been used to threaten another man’s life. Bost led investigators to the safe, and the firearm was indeed missing.

On Monday, Bost’s campaign spokesman, Jim Forbes, released a statement in reponse to the Huffington Post’s piece.

“Shame on Bill Enyart and his Washington mud machine for bringing private family members and their horrific injuries into a political campaign. This incident happened over 30 years ago when a young father’s 4-year-old little girl was brutally mauled by a dog. It was a horrific experience for Kasey then and is still traumatizing for her and the Bost family today. For Bill Enyart and his cronies to attempt to use this in a political campaign is beyond the pale of decency. They should apologize and stop at once.”

h/t: Capitol Fax

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