
El festival, gratuito y de cuatro días de duración, es considerado el mayor festival latino de este tipo en el país, según el Consejo Comunitario Pilsen Neighbors, organizador del evento. Los organizadores esperan la asistencia de 1.2 millones de personas de jueves a domingo.
The free, four-day festival is considered the largest Latino festival of its kind in the country, according to Pilsen Neighbors Community Council, which organizes the event. Organizers expect 1.2 million people to attend from Thursday to Sunday.
The pup, named “Chase,” featured prominently in opening statements by prosecutors and the defense on Tuesday because of his outsize role in a fatal shooting three years ago in Pilsen.
La antigua estación de bomberos de La Villita abrirá sus puertas como centro de artes de Yollocalli en el verano de 2025.
The former Little Village firehouse will open as Yollocalli arts center in the summer of 2025.
El sonido agudo suena día y noche desde una caja pequeña ubicada en la azotea de un edificio desocupado en el 2380 S. Halsted St., una de las áreas donde los migrantes se reúnen con más frecuencia. No fue posible contactar a los dueños del edificio.
Why would a company selling ethnic food harass people living in the migrant shelter across the street?
The high-pitched ringing noise emanates day and night from a small box on the roof of a vacant building at 2380 S. Halsted, an area where migrants frequently gather. The building owners couldn’t be reached.
Christian Acevedo, 18, was sentenced Monday after pleading guilty to murder and attempted murder in the 2022 shootings.
Este año el evento fue organizado por Yollocalli, el programa de alcance juvenil del museo en La Villita y CALOR, organización de defensa de la comunidad LGBTQ+ dedicada a la prevención y a la concientización del VIH/SIDA en la comunidad latina.
This year, the event was put on by Yollocalli, the museum’s youth outreach program in Little Village, and CALOR, an LGBTQ advocacy organization focused on HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness in the Latino community.
The Archdiocese of Chicago, which owns the shuttered Pilsen church, has resisted granting it landmark status, arguing the restrictions would burden the church financially and make it harder to find a buyer.
El jueves, los inquilinos se reunieron frente a las oficinas de First Western Properties para anunciar la demanda. Inmediatamente después, un inquilino recibió una notificación de no renovación de su contrato. Los inquilinos afirman que la empresa hizo caso omiso de las peticiones para solucionar las goteras, la falta de calefacción y el moho.
On Thursday, tenants gathered outside First Western Properties’ office to announce the lawsuit. Immediately afterward, a tenant was handed a notice of nonrenewal. Tenants say the firm ignored requests to address leaks, lack of heat and mold.
The city is reopening the Roseland Mental Health Center and adding mental health services at the Chicago Department of Public Health vaccine clinic in Pilsen and at the Legler Library in Garfield Park.
Cualquier frustración es bienvenida después de clase en GLOW: Trauma-Informed Mentoring for Girls. “Este club es el único en el que podemos expresarnos”, dice una niña mientras sus compañeras crean un “jardín zen”.
Any frustration is welcome after school at GLOW: Trauma-Informed Mentoring for Girls. “This club is the only one we can express ourselves in,” one youth said while the girls create a “zen garden.”
Experts say the pandemic disrupted the pathways that helped teens get a job or an education after high school. Young adults are “discouraged” about not getting hired, a youth mentor says.
No se han realizado arrestos en ninguno de los atracos similares, que ocurrieron en Pilsen, Bucktown y en Back of the Yards, dijo la policía.
No arrests have been made in any of the similar heists, which happened in Pilsen, Bucktown and Back of the Yards, police said.