Civil unrest

Coverage of conflict, disorder and hostility between civilians and authorities in Chicago, Illinois and the U.S.

The settlement goes to the mother of Astarte Washington. On May 31, 2020, Astarte, then 15, was ordered to the ground by police. She was then run over by a CPD squad car after an officer failed to put the car in “Park.” She suffered a hairline fracture of her hip.
The University of Chicago Faculty for Justice in Palestine on Monday reaffirmed support for the “peaceful, welcoming and educational space” students had created and called on school leadership to return to “good-faith” negotiations.
On Aug. 20,1972, this reporter was assigned to cover the hordes of hippies, yippies, women’s libbers, Marxists, gay rights advocates, Black Panthers, and anti-Vietnam war vets tenting, talking, and toking it up in Miami’s Flamingo Park before the Republican National Convention kicked off.
The civil liberties group filed a federal lawsuit Thursday on behalf of Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws, a left-leaning group whose marching permit was denied by the city.
The backlash comes days after the university made an agreement with encampment organizers to take steps toward divesting from Israel.
Mr. Coleman led countless demonstrations in his six decades as an activist. “Slim believed the real power was in organization, putting people in the streets and packing people into government meetings,” said friend Michael Klonsky.
Ald. Brendan Reilly said he’s concerned paying a settlement to Bryan Mejia, who suffered a fractured leg and torn ACL, will invite protesters expected for the Democratic National Convention to wreak havoc, then bombard the city with lawsuits.
“We want to make sure that we maintain peace,” Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling said during a news conference Wednesday about this summer’s Democratic National Convention. “We’re going to police constitutionally.”
Federal prosecutors originally charged Darion Lindsey in February 2021 with Denzal Stewart and Lamar Taylor. Stewart and Taylor pleaded guilty to an arson conspiracy and civil disorder, and Lindsey joined them in doing so Thursday.
Later, the full Council voted to accept donated land at 115th and Halsted streets that will become the temporary site of a winterized tent camp for migrants.
The five former officers have pleaded not guilty to state charges of second-degree murder and other alleged offenses in the January beating.
Mayor Lightfoot reiterated that she doesn’t “believe in erasing history.” That’s why she’s been “talking to lots of folks about what can we do, how can we do it” to secure the Columbus statues.
The protesters who were detained were among a larger group who delivered a letter to U.S. Attorney John Lausch demanding federal civil rights charges against the former officer, who was released from state custody hours earlier.
An emotional Adam Walton, 41, stood before the court on Monday and apologized profusely to his family, the court and to police officers for his actions in May 2020.
The evidence showed he wasn’t the aggressor. That it took so long for the jury to decide that indicates some jurors found it harder than others to arrive at the conclusion.
Before, I could see Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty. Now, having seen the rest of the evidence, I’d be shocked if he’s convicted of anything more than a weapons charge
The committee didn’t make a final determination about a statue of Reagan. State Rep. Mary Flowers said the panel she chairs is not at the decision-making stage yet and is focused on listening to “what everyone has to say.”
“The statue continues to bring hate and divisiveness to this community,” one resident said after the event last month marking the one-year anniversary of its removal.
PolitiFact and other fact checkers have debunked numerous claims contending Pelosi alone was responsible for Capitol security. Davis’ claim pointed to the speaker’s role in directing Capitol security leaders, rather than all of Capitol security. But it’s still highly misleading.
The lawsuit filed by the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans alleges the Chicago Park District breached a nearly 50-year-old contract when it removed the statue last year.