Police looking for suspects in Lakeview smash and grab

Three men got out of a black SUV and smashed the front door of a business in the 2900 block of North Lincoln Avenue about 4:20 a.m., police said. They then entered and took property from inside before leaving the scene.

SHARE Police looking for suspects in Lakeview smash and grab

Three men got out of a black SUV and smashed the front door of a business in the 2900 block of North Lincoln Avenue about 4:20 a.m., police said. They then entered and took property from inside before leaving the scene.

Sun-Times file

Police are looking for suspects in a smash-and-grab robberyt Sunday morning in Lakeview.

Three men got out of a black SUV and smashed the front door of a business in the 2900 block of North Lincoln Avenue about 4:20 a.m., police said. They then entered and took property from inside before leaving the scene.

No injuries were reported and no one is in custody.

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