Singer Richard Marx says he subdued unruly flier

SHARE Singer Richard Marx says he subdued unruly flier

Richard Marx | FILE PHOTO

American pop singer Richard Marx took to Facebook to say he helped subdue an unruly passenger he claimed was attacking others on a Korean Air flight from Hanoi to Seoul on Tuesday morning.

Daisy Fuentes, Marx’s wife and herself a celebrity from the 1990s, captured photos as the scene involving her husband unfolded.

Marx posted the photos to his Facebook page, along with commentary about what he says happened on Korean Air Flight 480. Marx wrote that a “mentally unhinged” passenger began attacking others on the flight.

Richard Marx posted these photos on his Facebook account, detailing his encounter with an unruly airplane passenger. | <a href="" target="_blank">FACEBOOK</a>

Richard Marx posted these photos on his Facebook account, detailing his encounter with an unruly airplane passenger. | FACEBOOK

“My wife and I are safe but one crew member and two passengers were injured,” Marx says in the account he posted to Facebook. “The all-female crew was clueless and not trained as to how to restrain this psycho and he was only initially subdued when I and a couple other male passengers intervened. He then later easily broke his restraints and attacked more crew and another passenger. When we landed in Seoul police boarded the plane.”

“This went on for FOUR (hours),” Fuentes wrote. “I feel horrible for the abuse the staff had to endure but no one was prepared for this. They never fully got control of him.”

Richard Marx | FACEBOOK

Richard Marx | FACEBOOK

Fuentes also addressed the incident via social media, posting photos and a description to her Instagram account. One of her pictures shows a woman who appears to be a Korean Air flight attendant pointing a taser.

Marx added via Facebook that he and Fuentes planned on continuing home via a connecting flight to Los Angeles, but not before describing the situation on Flight 480 as a “chaotic and dangerous event.” He criticized the airline’s attendants for being “completely ill-equipped to handle the situation.”

Today in the Sky has reached out to Korean Air for a comment.

Marx rose to fame in the 1980s as an eighties heartthrob known for pop love ballads. Fuentes made a name for herself as a well-known “VJ” (video jockey) for MTV in the 1990s. She also become well known for other gigs, including her House of Style series on fashion and modelling.

Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY

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