Why Chad Grimm for governor — in his own words

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I, Chad Grimm, believe I am the best choice to govern the people of Illinois for many reasons that separate me from my opponents.

First of all I must say that only a thin piece of paper can be slid between the differences of my opponents and the policies with which they would govern our state that has been plagued by scandal by both of their parties for decades. Simply put, a vote for Mr. Quinn is a vote for Mr. Rauner and vice-versa. Both are a vote for the status quo.

Most importantly, my campaign for governor is not run by special interest groups. I am not a bought-and-paid for politician. In other words, I owe favors to no one — period. We have run a grassroots campaign that has gathered momentum one voter at a time. One speech at a time. And the people of Illinois are realizing that the status quo in Illinois is crooked business as usual, and my party and I WILL TRULY return this state to the citizens. We all deserve to live where liberty and honesty are our first priorities of office.

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When it comes to policy, this is where my campaign is full of polarizing differences from my opponents.’ I support the state income tax returning to three percent in July of 2015, while both of my opponents support a state income tax increase no matter how they want to word it. I would support an opt-out plan that would include giving pensions back in the form of tax credits to state employees. Current pensions will not be affected as they are contracts with the state.

We will continue to reduce and eliminate debt by striking victimless crimes and needless legislation from the books and save millions on housing innocent citizens in prisons.

My administration will be the most transparent this state has ever seen. I will lead by example to ensure corruption and backroom deals never make their way back into Illinois politics again. The great people of Illinois deserve better.

There are too many government agencies, more than 7,000 in our state. We will work to eliminate unneeded and costly agencies thoroughly throughout the state. We will work to merge and combine services that are redundant. I will start by gutting the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, as they choose winners and losers in business and do not harbor economic opportunity in Illinois.

As a Libertarian I am a firm believer in our Constitution and make it my business to never impose on those words for they are the end all and be all by which this great country was founded. I will never interfere with our Second Amendment right to firearms. For this right is and always will be a pillar of my administration.

Marriage should be handled in a civil court as it is a civil contract among two people and should only be handled as such. One man, one woman, two men or two women, it should not matter as long as handled properly and legally. Government should play no role in marriage. I am proud to say we are running the only wholly pro-life campaign on the gubernatorial ticket. No one shall have the right to deny liberty to an unborn American.

I would be proud to lead this great state into a new direction. A direction with less government, less taxes, less prisons and less red tape. We need to build a future for generations to come, not steal from our future to only put a Band-Aid on deep wounds that are difficult to confront.We need real people with real solutions to take over and confront those problems head on.

In closing, I am not running against Gov. Quinn or Mr. Rauner. I’m running for Illinois! I will not be elected by special interest groups. My only special interest are the people of this great state.

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