Humboldt Park

The unidentified man died of multiple injuries from an assault he suffered Monday in the 4300 block of West North Avenue.
Chicago police say the person was seen running with a handgun and attempted to throw it away but was “unsuccessful.” When the person picked the handgun up again officers opened fire, striking them multiple times, according to police.
Nikko Whitehead was shot multiple times in the body about 11:10 p.m. Saturday in the 3300 block of West Franklin Boulevard, police said.
Los Bomberos de Chicago respondieron a una llamada de un incendio el miércoles en un taller de reparación de automóviles y baterías alrededor de las 6 p.m.
Robert Magiet, propietario de un restaurante, entregó 24 unidades de aire acondicionado a residentes de Logan Square, Humboldt Park y otras áreas cercanas el martes y el miércoles, mientras Chicago alcanzaba cuatro días seguidos con temperaturas que superan los 90 grados.
Restaurant owner Robert Magiet delivered AC units to residents in Logan Square, Humboldt Park and other areas Tuesday and Wednesday as Chicago hit four days in a row with temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. “This heat is ridiculous,” he said.
Más de 20 personas fueron heridas de bala en Chicago en poco más de cuatro horas a primera hora del lunes, incluyendo otro tiroteo masivo en Englewood que hirió a siete personas.
In all, at least 72 people were hit by gunfire from Friday evening through the predawn hours of Monday, according to data collected by the Sun-Times. Eight of them died.
The neighborhoods are Austin, Garfield Park, Humboldt Park and Little Village, where about 20% of shootings occur citywide, according to city crime statistics.
More than 20 people were shot in Chicago in little more than four hours early Monday, including another mass shooting in Englewood that wounded seven people.
La única playa interior de Chicago, en 1400 N. Sacramento Ave, abrirá el 17 de junio, coincidiendo con la apertura de todas las piscinas al aire libre del Distrito de Parques de Chicago.
Community and business leaders have designated a stretch of Division Street in honor of the Caribbean island by using its precolonial name.
Damien Nelson, 44, was found in the 1400 block of South Morgan Street and pronounced dead on the scene early Monday.
Francisca “Paquita” Morales nació el 6 de junio de 1917 en Puerto Rico. Se mudó a Chicago en 1970.
Cientos de personas celebraron desde la acera de Division Street mientras el desfile pasaba por Humboldt Park el sábado, muchos de ellos sosteniendo o incluso vistiendo diferentes versiones de la bandera de la nación.
Hundreds cheered from the sidewalk of Division Street as the parade passed through Humboldt Park Saturday, many holding or even wearing different renditions of the nation’s flag.
Chicago’s only inland beach, 1400 N. Sacramento Ave., will open June 17, coinciding with the opening of all Chicago Park District outdoor pools.
Francisca “Paquita” Morales was born June 6, 1917 in Puerto Rico. She moved to Chicago in 1970.
The festival, called Fiestas Patronales Puertorriqueñas, will feature new activities, such as a cookoff between firefighters, and new cultural art installations, including a banner stretching 20 feet wide where guests will use stickers to mark the towns they are from.