Democratic candidate for Illinois House in the 38th District: Max Solomon

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Max Solomon, Illinois House 38th district Democratic primary candidate. | Rich Hein/Sun-Times

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On Feb. 2, Max Solomon appeared before the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board. We asked him why he’s running for the Democratic nomination in the Illinois House of Representatives in the 38th District:

Hi, my name is Max Solomon. I am a Democratic party candidate for state representative from the 38th District of Illinois. I am an attorney and I’m also an adjunct professor at South Suburban College.

As state representative, there are three things that I am going to be very focused on. In my district, we have very serious problems with property taxes.

My priority is to support legislation, sponsor and support legislation to freeze property taxes and reform property taxes.

Second on my agenda would be pension reform. I strongly believe that Illinois’ problem will begin to head in the right direction toward solution if we can resolve the problem of pension. With over $250 billion dollars in pension debt. I believe strongly that if we focus on that problem and we solve the problem, it will be a good step in the right direction. And my proposal for that would be to go from direct benefit to direct contribution and that is what I’ll be supporting.

The third thing that I’ll be supporting as state representative will be the problem of balancing the Illinois budget. The constitution requires that Illinois budget be balanced. We’re not going to be able to balance our budget if what we are spending is higher than what we are earning or what the revenues are and I believe strongly that pension reform would help a great deal toward that.

The Chicago Sun-Times sent the candidates seeking nominations for the Illinois House of Representatives a list of questions to find out their views on a range of important issues facing the state of Illinois. Solomon did not submit a completed questionnaire.

Max Solomon

Running for: Illinois House of Representatives 38th district


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